About us

At Rubi, we are here for you with all your cultural questions and ideas. We offer a listening ear, a helping hand, a warm heart and, above all, an open door. Welcome to Rubi!


Rubi shapes the cultural policy of the University of Antwerp and AP University College together with all relevant actors.

The close cooperation with Young Rubi guarantees maximum student support and participation in the activities.


detects trends, (social) challenges and needs in the cultural landscape.
supports initiatives (financially, logistically, via advice or referral, consultation, knowledge sharing, etc.)
realises its own initiatives that can be inspiring, instructive or fascinating.
works closely with all kinds of (cultural) partners.

Ines Van Meerbeeck - Office Manager
ines.vanmeerbeeck@uantwerpen.be - 032654712

Mieke DielsFile Manager 
mieke.diels@uantwerpen.be - 032653803
