hi, I'm Rubi

Imagine a place where creativity and expression flourish, where art in all its forms is celebrated and where there is always something to do. That's exactly what Rubi has to offer. Whether you are an avid theater lover, a passionate musician, a talented dancer, or just looking for a place to explore your artistic side, Rubi is the place to be.

Shine bright like a Rubi!


activities in the spotlight
International Culture Day
19 October 2023

On 11 October, the doors of Arenberg opened to UAntwerp's international students. 

Want to relive the evening? Take a look at the photo report here!

Thank you Arenberg, our dedicated job students and the 225 international students who had a great evening together!

20 December 2022

On 8 December, we held another fantastic edition of our International Culture Event in collaboration with Arenbergschouwburg. 
This time we descended on NITE SH FT at the Fashion Museum, where students enjoyed a delicious meal, fascinating tours, a wonderful concert by Abrahamblue and an atmospheric party with DJ Tera Kora!

31 March 2021

Campusdichter Esohe Weyden schreef het gedicht 'Ontsnapping' ter ere van prof. dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, die op dinsdag 30 maart 2021 een eredoctoraat ontving voor Algemene Verdiensten als erkenning voor zijn bijdragen aan de empowerment van jonge vrouwen. Zo kunnen ze changemakers zijn in hun gemeenschap en kunnen ze meebouwen aan een betere wereld in het Midden-Oosten.

Beluister hier het gedicht.