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KUNSTWERKT - Rubi's Art Competition is back!

28 November 2024

We are back! Rubi The Cultural Factory is organising the art competition KUNSTWERKT for the fifth time. Are you an alumnus, staff member or student at the University of Antwerp? Do you have a camera, easel, ceramics turntable, pencil case full of pencils and lots of enthusiasm to share that talent?

From 17 to 28 March, the campus is your exhibition space. The perfect place to share your visual artwork with the world.
Who knows, maybe you will go home with a nice prize at the end of this period...

All about Rubi

Student? For €5 to the theatre or the opera with Rubi

10 October 2024

Did you know that starting this year, you no longer need a subscription to participate in our cultural activities? 

To make our offer as accessible as possible, from now on you can simply register quickly and easily with your student email and buy a ticket for a performance of your choice via Rubi Online! 

Please note: when creating an account, it is important that you use your student mail ( 

Having problems? Discover the step-by-step plan here

International Culture Day

International Culture Day: 225x thank you!

19 October 2023

On 11 October, the doors of Arenberg opened to UAntwerp's international students. 

Want to relive the evening? Take a look at the photo report here!

Thank you Arenberg, our dedicated job students and the 225 international students who had a great evening together!


This was NITE SH FT 2022

20 December 2022

On 8 December, we held another fantastic edition of our International Culture Event in collaboration with Arenbergschouwburg. 
This time we descended on NITE SH FT at the Fashion Museum, where students enjoyed a delicious meal, fascinating tours, a wonderful concert by Abrahamblue and an atmospheric party with DJ Tera Kora!


Campusdichter eert eredoctor

31 March 2021

Campusdichter Esohe Weyden schreef het gedicht 'Ontsnapping' ter ere van prof. dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, die op dinsdag 30 maart 2021 een eredoctoraat ontving voor Algemene Verdiensten als erkenning voor zijn bijdragen aan de empowerment van jonge vrouwen. Zo kunnen ze changemakers zijn in hun gemeenschap en kunnen ze meebouwen aan een betere wereld in het Midden-Oosten.

Beluister hier het gedicht.

Kevin Van Staeyen


10 January 2021

In december vroegen we aan alle studenten en collega's om nieuwjaarswensen voor mekaar in te sturen.
Onze huismuzikant Kevin Van Staeyen ging aan de slag met de originele inzendingen en maakte er een Calypso mee (Afro-Caraïbische muziekstijl, een soort gezongen gazet).

Bekijk hier de Nieuwjaarscalypso